Yoga with Sally

Corporate Wellbeing

I offer corporate wellbeing packages based around yoga and meditation classes. The below is an example of how this might look, but I am also open to discussion and to tailoring the offering to ensure that any package meets the needs of the business. 

In the year 2021 to 2022, 914,000 UK workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety. This was an increase on pre-COVID pandemic levels. In 2021/22 stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill health cases and 55% of all working days lost due to work-related ill health. (Statistics taken from HSE report here)

The mental health charity, Mind, have recommended that all organisations adopt their 6-pillar plan in order to foster a healthy working environment. Pillar one includes the recommendation to encourage exercise and regular social events to boost staff health, team work and mental wellbeing (read report here). Regular yoga and mindfulness sessions fit this recommendation, and mindfulness is also specifically recommended by Mind for combating workplace stress (reference here). Having worked within the Civil Service and the Charity Sector, I understand the demands of a corporate environment and the need to efficiently support staff. 

I am a qualified yoga teacher, specialising in ashtanga and yin yoga. Ashtanga yoga is dynamic vinyasa-based practice that builds strength and flexibility through a set sequence of postures. The advantage of the set sequence is that students can see progress as they get stronger and flexibility increases. It also offers room for growth through the addition of new postures as progression occurs. Yin yoga is a more restorative and relaxing practice which helps to increase flexibility and also supports finding relaxation in stillness. Both compliment each other nicely. 

A regular yoga practice can support both physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga can help to reduce problems such as lower back pain which are often exacerbated by sitting at a desk (research here). It can also help individuals become more aware of how they hold their body, therefore helping to reduce postural problems in future. Furthermore, the meditative aspect of a yoga practice can help individuals to become aware of their mental patterns, therefore noticing mental strain before they reach the point of burnout. This can often be enough to help said individuals make the necessary changes / reach out for the necessary support in order to stay healthy. A research paper on the benefits of short bouts of yoga and meditation on workplace stress can be read here. 

Yoga classes can also be a great team-building exercise; an opportunity for colleagues to spend time with each other outside of a work environment and to champion each other’s progress (all of this is in line with Mind recommendations). Group exercise is also a National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended treatment for depression (NICE recommendation here).

I would love to support your employee wellbeing through offering regular yoga classes. 

I am a qualified mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) teacher. MBCT was developed by Mark Williams, Zindel Segal and John Teasdale as a programme to reduce repeated bouts of depression. It remains a NICE-recommended treatment for clinical depression. The original MBCT programme has since been adapted into various other programmes including Mindfulness for Life (aimed at supporting flourishing within a general healthy population) and Finding Peace in a Frantic World (a shorter course aimed at colleges, universities and workplaces). 

Having personally seen the benefits of the Finding Peace in a Frantic World course, I chose to train specifically in this curriculum. It is a 6-8 week course, of 90 minute weekly sessions. The focus is on learning mindfulness skills and how to use these skills to improve wellbeing and resilience to stress. The course’s themes include: waking up to the life you have, gathering the scattered mind, relating differently to thoughts and worries, practising kindness, and nourishing activities. Each weekly session focuses on a different theme and includes mindfulness meditation practices, as well as CBT exercises, and practical everyday mindful exercises. 

This course has been shown to be effective at enhancing workplace performance including in the US Special Forces. It provides individuals with a toolkit of mindfulness practices that they can continue to use throughout their lives, both inside and outside of work, to support them through the natural ups and downs that life brings. I would be happy to offer this course to your employees. 

Another option, would be to have a weekly half-hour meditation drop-in session where employees could come to practise a guided meditation with support from a teacher. 

I find that mindfulness and yoga compliment each other, although also often attract a slightly different crowd. I would really love to be able to come and teach a variety of yoga and mindfulness classes on a regular basis to support your employees. After a trial period, we could adapt the offering based on employee and senior management feedback.

My hourly rate for these services is £100, however this is open to discussion where required. I would also offer a discount (to be discussed) on block bookings. 
To make an enquiry, please send me a message using the contact form below.

I am pleased to partner with the following organisations. Please click on the logo to visit their website. 

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